Rug Origins: Caucasian Rugs

Last updated on: May 13, 2024

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Rug Origins: Caucasian Rugs

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Originally coming from The Caucasus region, Caucasian rugs were distinguished towards the end of the 18th century and found primarily within villages. Central Asia leading among the rug production region, established a new type of rug called “Bokara” in the rug trade. Made from Turkomans who focused on a precise weave and repetitive designs in a confined palette, these rugs bloomed and were soon exported to the west. Caucasian rugs are notorious for bringing out bold geometric and tribal designs in the primary colors of their designs.

Caucasian designs indicate primitive, tribal patterns and smaller sizes. This makes them ideal rugs for regions such as Italy, who have gratitude for their style and the smaller homes that accommodate the condensed rug sizes. Classic styles of the Caucasus region include Daghestan, Shirvan, Gendje rugs, Kazakh, Quba, as well as Ardabil rugs from the northwestern region of Iran. While Caucasian carpets tend to feature floral schemes, their flair is typically intangible or random, with an accent on bold color.

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