History of Moroccan Rugs

Explore the rich history and cultural significance of Moroccan rugs. Discover their origins, evolution, and diverse styles.


The Legacy of Moroccan Rugs

Discover the intricate history and cultural significance of Moroccan rugs, which have been cherished for centuries.

A Rich Tapestry

Origins of Moroccan Rugs

Moroccan rugs trace their origins to the Berber tribes of North Africa, who used wool to craft functional yet beautiful rugs.

Berber Roots

Cultural Influences

Over centuries, Moroccan rugs evolved with the influence of Islamic geometric patterns and new weaving techniques from Arab traders.

Islamic and Arab Impact

Global Recognition

In the 20th century, Moroccan rugs gained international fame, attracting European and American designers who incorporated them into modern decor.

20th Century Rise

Evolving Designs

The designs of Moroccan rugs have evolved from simple patterns to more intricate and vibrant styles, reflecting diverse cultural influences.

Artistic Evolution

Types of Moroccan Rugs

Moroccan rugs come in various styles such as Beni Ourain with their plush texture, Azilal’s colorful abstracts, and Boucherouite’s recycled materials.

Diverse Styles

Beni Ourain Rugs

Known for their soft texture and simple geometric designs, Beni Ourain rugs are crafted by the Berber tribes in the Atlas Mountains.

Plush and Geometric

Azilal Rugs

Azilal rugs feature vibrant colors and abstract designs, showcasing the creativity and artistic expression of the Azilal tribe.

Colorful Abstracts

Boucherouite Rugs

Made from recycled textiles, Boucherouite rugs are eco-friendly and known for their bright, eclectic patterns.

Eco-Friendly Art

Cultural Significance

Moroccan rugs are more than just decor; they are a form of self-expression, used in weddings, religious ceremonies, and as symbols of Moroccan heritage.

Symbolic Art

Discover the Legacy

Dive deeper into the history and beauty of Moroccan rugs and find the perfect piece for your home.