Discover Persian Rugs

Dive into the rich history and timeless beauty of Persian rugs. A journey from past to present.


Ancient Beginnings

Born in the vast Persian Empire, these rugs were crafted for both necessity and nobility.

Origins in Empire

Nomadic Art

Initially woven by nomads, each rug tells a story of life on the move.

Tribal Traditions

Golden Age

The 16th century brought the golden age of Persian rugs, marking a peak in artistic achievement.

Safavid Splendor

Design Deep Dive

Explore the complex patterns that signify Persian rugs’ unique identity.

Intricate Patterns


Each knot is a testament to the weaver’s skilled hands and deep cultural heritage.

Masterful Weaving

Cultural Emblem

More than decor, these rugs represented cultural status and sophistication.

Symbol of Status

Modern Times

Today, Persian rugs blend traditional techniques with modern decor trends.

Contemporary Charm

Care Tips

Tips to maintain the beauty and longevity of your Persian rug.

Preserve Your Rug


Persian rugs, a legacy of art and craftsmanship that transcends time.

Timeless Elegance